Cacao Ceremonies with Joe Molloy Shaman
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Cacao Ceremony

Heart opening in Sacred Space with Cacao Ceremony
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Cacao is natural, it is a food for the body and the soul, a gift from the Pachamama. It gently opens our "heart" so that we can more fully experience love. Love in all its forms and expressions. Love for ourselves, for others and the world we live in, and very importantly to experience more fully the love we create to direct towards ourselves and from others to ourselves too.

Cacao is a beautiful and natural plant medicine that you can drink at home on a daily basis, or in ceremony. Cacao offers us the gift of opening our hearts, wider and deeper.

During our ceremony together we will have beautiful rhythms and sounds for you and your body to move and dance to if you wish. After drinking your Cacao the choice is yours, to move, or to be in stillness, and to move between experiences and expressions. Often it is enough just to relax.

Our Cacao is high quality Ceremonial grade Ashaninka Cacao. It is possibly the best Cacao for ceremony, and the best for helping us to open our hearts wider so we can live and love more fully.

While Cacao is a stimulant it is also used in meditation and has many therapeutic uses. Many people find their meditation and contemplation practices go 'deeper' with ceremonial quality Cacao.

Please bring warm blankets to wrap in and relax, and water to drink.

Please contact me for details of the next Cacao Ceremonies I am hosting.

Much love


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(On the afternoon (or morning) prior to our Cacao Ceremony together, I suggest that you do not consume caffeinated drinks (Coffee, Tea, Red Bull etc) as too much stimulation leads to too little focus.)

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